The declined state of the Nation’s economy has undoubtedly thrown many Nigerian households into abject poverty. The ripple effects of this syndrome are evident in societal decadence that requires quick intervention. This necessitated an investigation into the variables understudy. The study employed a survey research design. A multistage sampling technique was adopted in the selection process. Three schools that demonstrated school feeding program and three schools where school feeding was not held were randomly selected from three Local Governments Areas (LGAs) domiciled in Abeokuta metropolis. A sample of 120 pupils were selected across the schools, using a simple random sampling procedure. Learners’ interest scale, (α = 0.83) was used for data collection. Three hypotheses were raised and tested at 0.05 level of significance, while independent t-test was used for data analysis. The study shows no significant difference between gender and learners’ interest among the school pupils, t(118 = -1. 023, P>0.05). Similarly, no significant difference was found between age and learners’ interest among the school pupils t(118= .135, P> .05). However, a statistically significant difference was established between learners’ interest and school feeding t(118= 6.660, P< 0.01). Hence, school feeding explained 27% (ɳ2 =0.27) variance on learners’ interest in Basic Education among primary school pupils. Among others, school feeding program should not be allowed to go into extinction at the elementary levels because it is a major source through which some (indigent) pupils get the basic nutrients for healthy living and life sustenance. Majorly, it is a significant poverty reduction strategy and a means of fostering learners’ interest in schooling.