Counselling practice in Nigeria has always been a face to face interaction. However, increase in population; accessibility challenges and the need to be relevant alongside today’s trend have made it essential for counsellors to consider information technology as a tool to facilitate service delivery. Utilising information technology in counselling will enhance flexibility and accessibility for everyone involved in the counselling services; unfortunately, only few Nigerian counsellors utilise this practice as at today. The most common practice among counsellors is the conventional face-to-face method. This is because many do not understand the need to change, while those who understand are yet to acquire required training to effectively deliver an information technology based counselling service. Thus, it has become imperative to create the awareness in counsellors as to the benefits of engaging in information technology based counselling as a way to encourage them to desire upskilling in up-to date psychological approaches and technological competence; utilise the method to manage today’s challenges and record more productivity in the business of counselling.